Yogi Shri Mattu Harish Madhyastha

Yogi Shri Mattu Harish Madhyastha – The path of self-realization 

From the Lotus feet of Yogi’s of Himalayas to the Kanyakumari, Journey through the paths of Spiritual and Social life:

Through the ancient times, our land has been the holy and sacred land of Rishis, Yogis and saints who enlightened the society through their penances. The religions across the world find their bases of origin in our ‘Sanatana Dharma’.  The coastal region of Karnataka is recognized and revered in the history as the holy region created by Lord Parashurama. Many Rishis and saints have performed penances and built numerous famous temples here, making the land the holiest of the holy. The ‘Yogeshwara Guru Shri Navanaatha’s’, ‘Shri Adishankaracharya’, ‘Shri Madhwacharya’, ‘Brahmashri Narayana Guru’, Shri Vadiraja Swamiji, ‘Devotional saint Shri  Kanakadasa’ ‘Bhagavan Nityananda Swamy’, ‘Shri Raghavendra Swamy’, ‘Shri Madhava Mangala Pujarya’ and numerous holy souls have performed penances and preached the path of devotion all over through this holy land. They reached out to all the corners of this holy land, taught the commons as visionaries to follow the path of spirituality. They have built famous Mutts and Temples as they preached there is only one cast and one religion and that is Sanatana Dharma. Even today they continue in an abstract form and brighten this region by blessing one and all. As we all know, the number of Avadhutas who reside in our Bharatha Khanda is 210. Our rich culture, practices and heritage are being upheld by these holy Avadhutas. One amongst these noble souls was born in the Uchila village of Udupi district.  He was born in Rohini Nakshatra(star)as the first son of Shri Vishnumurthy Madhyastha and Smt.Pushpa Madhyastha, at His grandmother’s house near Shri Mahalingeshwara Temple. He is none other than our Spiritual Guru Yogi Shri Harisha Madhyastha. 

Secret involved in his birth: Just three days before his birth, an extremely surprising incident happened as three Yogis came from Himalaya to bless Smt Pushpa Madhyastha and Main priest of Shri Mahalingeshwara Temple, Shri Puttanna Bhattaru (Siddhi Purusha) blessed Smt. Pushpa Madhyastha and said “All your worries are going to end, as a Yogi is coming.” Baby was not seen after the birth for 15 minutes. The grandmother and other ladies searched for the baby. Then the grandmother sat and prayed to Lord Shiva. When she opened her eyes, she saw the baby smiling on her lap! This indeed was a surprising incident for one and all. 

Being brought up at his grandmother’s house, Shri Harisha Madhyastha followed his grandmother’s disciplined way of life. Every day he used to go to Shri Mahalingeshwara temple along with grandmother. He always interested to attend   the ‘Bhutaradhane’, ‘Daivada Kola’, ‘Yakshagaana’, ‘Naagaaraadhane’ and many religious rituals and programmes. He incorporated the strict disciplines as his way of life, as taught by his grandmother. His grandmother was also a Ayurvedic Doctor. She was attending to the patients from home. She prepared and gave them medicines. The grandson used to help her in these procedures. The boy liked attending the car festivals ‘Jathra Mahotsava’ of the nearby village temples. 

The boy’s name itself represents Hari-Vishnu, Isha-Shiva. This meant that he did not differ between God Vishnu and God Shiva. He felt both the gods are equal and he had developed a greater feeling of unison with God Shiva. While sitting on the sea shore near his grandmother’s place, he used to enjoy the nature’s beauty. But amidst that, always A Tapasvi used to come and tell the boy, “Come with me. This is not your way of life.” And then he used to disappear… The boy was caught between the illusions of the society and the emotional bondage with his family. He kept this experience within himself.

He came to his father’s place at Mattu village for his further studies. As usually, the boy was prankster in his early days and he had limited interest towards schooling. But he used to help his parents in their farming. He would do any related task with utmost interest, without any hassle. During school days, he would get only one pair of uniform for an entire year. He used to go to school by walk. He had developed good friendship with children of all the castes.

 He would attend the Bhajan (Devotional songs) program at home and at the temple, showed interest in pure love and devotion to God. During free hours, the boy used to go to the sea shore near the house and sit alone. He used to look towards the sea and think deeply about the creation of the universe. The boy had started meditating. His mind had already entered the stage of an introvert. He took care of many Cows at home; he loves to care, feed dogs. He showed love and affection towards animals and birds. He used to lovingly speak with animals and birds. He used to plant many trees. All these deeds of him show his love towards the nature.  At this age itself he showed interest in learning about the various aspects at the temple like the Puja, Tantra-Mantra and their meaning, the specialities within a deity and statue, architecture of the temples and so on. He put his best efforts in understanding the holy power/energy of the entire temple atmosphere and how the power worked. The boy had immense interest in Yakshagaana a theatre folk art of Karnataka. As per his words, Yakshagaana prasangas(stories) like Dakshayajna, Krishna Sandhaana, Gadaayuddha and Devi Mahatme used to grab his attention totally and he used to cry because of the intense emotional situations of the Prasangaas. 

Thus, he used to think deeply about the characters in the Ramayana and Mahabharata and their justifications and its characters in our present life. He developed knowledge about how the characters in those historic periods used to be, how did they earn such immense powers and regarding the level of scientific knowledge during those periods. That is when he got a book titled ‘Mahasamparka’, based on the researches of Shri Manu. His mind got a new wing for researches after reading this book. From childhood days, he fought for justice, why should only brahmins be served anna prasadam at temples and why not for the people from other castes? He was successful in doing this. In his teenage, he thoroughly implemented the noble theory of on one caste, one religion. At his young age only, he used to say that Brahmin means who is in the path of attaining Brahma Jnana/Knowledge of Brahma/self-realisation, it is not the caste. He had listened and thoroughly remembered the historical facts from Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavatha, Harivamsha and other stories. His power of memory, wisdom and farsightedness were laudable. 

During his days of education in Udupi, every day he visit and worshipped Shri Chandramoulishwara, Shri Ananteshwara, Shri Anjaneya,Shri Bhutharajaru,and then had the darshan of Shri Krishna every day. Then he did seva in the bhojana shaala and served food to the devotees who would come from far fetching places to Udupi. And then, he would take rest outside the Shri Bhandarakeri Mutt, during the late night. Hence all Swamijis of the Udupi Ashtha Matha came to know about him and due to his noble service mind, they became close to him and some of respective Swamiji’s use to answer many questions by him related to our Sanaathana Dharma, Dwaitha Philosophy, about Parashurama Srishti etc…In his early days, he used to participate in the ‘Ashtamangala Prashne’ one of the ritual practice of astrology, at ‘Shri Shiruru Mutt’ and do the required seva to the Swamiji. Coastal Karnataka and Udupi is known as the temple city of India. He tried to do a deep research and study on Udupi and learnt about many useful and vital facts. He constantly used to question and earn answers from great scholars like ‘Dr.Bannanje Govinda Acharya’(Treasure of Knowledge), ‘Shri Pavanje Gururaja Bhat’, ‘Keladi Shri Gunda Joisa’, ‘Shri Raghavendra Upadhyaya,’Dr Varadachar (Siddapurusha) and many prominent scholars, research fellows.. He used to spend much of his time amongst the scholars. 

Shri Harish Madhyastha had immense interest in Rashtreeya Swayam Sevaka Sangha from his childhood. He would never miss the Shakha even for a day. He had already devoted his life for Sanatana Dharma, Rashtradharma and pro-Society works. As a boy, he had associated with Sangha’s works as much as he can. Through his association with the Sangha, he became more disciplined and dedicated, served the society as much as possible.

By then he completed his Education and was in search of a job. One fine day the pontiff of Shri Adamaru Mutt Shri Shri Vibhudesha Theertha Swamiji called him and Swamiji offered a job to Shri Harish Madhyastha at the mutt’s educational institution at New Delhi and sent him there. Under Shri Swamiji guidance he was able to learn calmness, learning process, administration, principles of life, professionalism, punctuality etc in which Shri Swamiji was more perfect. After he came to New Delhi, he worked in the Shri Adamaru Mutt’s Institution for a few years. 

HIMALAYAN JOURNEY…. Here comes the future!!!!  But who will know what is there in the minds of the ‘Yogi from Himalaya’s was? Who knows what the motivation/purpose of ‘Shri Guru Dattatreya’ was? No one can know that!!!! An incident happened in Delhi which hurt his emotions. He decides to give up his life, thinking while sitting under Banyan Tree near Moti bagh for holy place to leave the body. It may be wish of Guru, Suddenly Manasa Sarovar, A sacred place name flashed in his mind and He started travel to see the death!!! He travelled from Delhi to Lucknow and then to Nepal. From Nepal A journey of 38 long days and around 350 kilometres, He ate whatever grass and leaves available on his way and drank the water from river while reaching the Manasa Sarovara by walk. Once he reached Manasa Sarovara he wanted to drink water from sacred lake but he was stopped by one Yogi. Yogi asked him to come behind of him to meet Guru at the cave. He was in utter pain at that point when a Yogi came and consoled him. After that he drank holy water and followed yogi to the cave.

The yogi took him to their cave and introduced Guru, He is none other than Baba Nagendranatha – The Yogi who followed the Natha Pantha who worship Shakthi and who knows Ashta Manisha Vidhya. He asked “Why did you wait for so many days to come here?” as if they were waiting for him since many years. But Shri Harish Madhyastha had no idea about this. But he remembered his childhood days where one yogi used to come every day and ask him to come along with him. The Guru said, “The first thing you need yoga (fortune) to reach here which you have. Through that, one will earn the ability by doing sadhana/Practice. Everything in this world is hidden within the hands of time .understand nature of time, time is contained in the now, that is past, future and present. Future is what you are now. For example my heart is weak, I might die, which is the future. The future is the movement of fear. See the truth of it, not your conclusion” after saying all this , Then the Guru gave him the ‘Mantropadesha’-Initiation of Mantra Deeksha in his ears. Guru kept his palm on his head and passed his energy of Tapasya and blessed him. Soon, Shri Harish Madhyastha’s mind and body got back the control and returned to normalcy. 

Shri Harish Madhyastha soon went into ‘Samadhi Sthithi’-state of still mind or thoughtless mind. He could return from the ‘Samadhi Sthithi’ only after 18 long months!!!! That day, Guruji proclaimed “You are a yogi now! You are like fire now!!!, You have numerous responsibilities. First, you will have to return to your village. You will get the timely explanations regarding your responsibilities through the mind signals.” Guruji told him to keep chanting the mantras given by him regularly and gifted him with the ‘Shri Narasimha Danda’. 

Before Shri Harish Madhyastha could leave, Baba Nagendranatha gave him golden words in advice: “complete surrender to God/Guru. Knowing or understanding God/Guru is far better than believing. Protect not only the entire human race but the entire creatures on earth from pain and all other difficulties. Believe and live on the policy of One cast, one religion. Knowledge is the Guru, as soon as possible come to the behavioural state that you know that you  do not know anything and you are a simple person, be in the sthithi/state  of Moksha, leave selfhood, plant the seed of Adhyatma amongst the people.” Within seconds, Guruji blessed/transferred to Shri Harish Madhyastha with all the knowledge which he was eligible for.  One of the most astounding facts which Shri Harish Madhyastha saw is that even today, lakhs and lakhs of Yogis, Rishis and Saints are doing penance in Himalaya without having food and water! He has also learnt about this secret from his Guru.  

Once he was in Himalayas, he was eager to know about his previous life and he requested his Guru to provide the knowledge of his past life and birth to him. Guruji replied, “In your first Janma/birth, you were one amongst the ‘Navanaathas’. In your second Janma you were a King belonging to the ‘Shaiva Sampradaya’. In your third Janma, you were one amongst the ‘Yathis’(pontiff) of the ‘Ashta Matha’. This is your fourth Janma where in you have returned to this world to solve the good/bad karmas from your deeds in your first three Janama.” He mentioned that he would get a spiritual guru in the right time who will show him the path to come free from the karmas. He insisted to follow the Guru and blessed him. 

Then he returned to Delhi. He stayed there for some time and shared his experiences with his friend Shri Gurmeeth Singh, Shri Vijay Sehrawat, Shri Deepak Poojary, Ms Nidhi Srivasthava and others. Then he returned to his home at Mattu and stayed there for 6 months. Then he had to leave to Chennai for his higher studies. Over there, he completed his post-graduation degree with gold medal while he was working simultaneously with an international Advertisement Company. By this time, his Spiritual powers became famous in Chennai and people across Tamil Nadu started visiting him. He would give solutions to those people in pain, with his spiritual ability. Thus, he started his Spiritual life simultaneously with his job.

He went to Shrishailam Shri Mallikarjuna Swamy darshan and did dhyana/medatation for 6 long months in the caves besides River Krishna, Pathala Ganga where Maatha Akkamahadevi did her penance. He dedicated himself at the Shri Karikana Paramishwari Sannidhi and got the Darshana of Varadahalli Shree Sridhara Swamy. He did a 6-month long dhyana on the ice in the Cave near Shri Triyuga Narayana Sannidhi, close to Kedarnath. The descriptions of his spiritual sacrifice/achievements go on as explained.  He wanted everyone to be happy but he never shared his pains with anyone. He offered his helping hand when Chennai was badly hit by the Tsunami. He decided to help the poor and the Tribal/Adivasi children who were in pain and who came to him requesting assistance.  He offered to give education to them from his own cost. Till date, he has given good education to 48 such children out of whom all the children are in good jobs today and leading a good life. Presently, 5 children are learning under his guidance. 

He lived in Chennai for 10 years where he offered relief to the pained ones. Then he returned to Mangalore and was doing a consultation job. It is during this period when he constantly did penance by the motivation of Goddess ‘Shri Sahasrabaahu Mahaakaali’ at the ‘Ullala 9 Kere(lake) Sannidhi’, got the darshan of the goddess and prayed her always to be present within himself. He then started doing the ‘Manasa puja’(worship from mind) of Goddess ‘Shri Sahasrabaahu(sahasrabhuja) Mahaakaali’ always resides within him and getting all the pujas/worship offered to her. She blesses one and all who come and meets him. He always prays goddess for wellbeing of human beings, animals, nature and all other creatures in this earth. 

His speciality is, he shows up to the person the way the person comes to meet him. If the person comes with Buddhatva, he appears as Buddha, For Ahankaaris(ego) he shows up as Ahankaari, for Kopisthas (angry) he shows up as a Kopistha, for swarthis(selfish) he shows up as Swartha and for devotees he shows up as an Avadhootha/kind. He shows up as per the mind-set of the person who comes to meet him. 

He had to face a lot of pain since he had to keep such a great spiritual force of ‘Goddess Mahaakaali’ within. He had to face humiliation. But he dedicated everything to the ‘Parashakthi’ and went through all such pains. For a period of one year, he stayed with his parents like in disguise. Due to this, the Spiritual fire which was within him got even stronger.

Other than this, he has interests in other sects and religions. In the Ajmer Rajasthan he studied Quran, he learnt the 99 various names of God Allah Hu and their importance. He also studied various religious books like the origin of Bible, and about teachings of Yahudis, He had deep studies into various religious books of Buddhism and Jainism. And through all these studies and practices of the philosophy in these books, he understood that these sects and religions are the branches of the Original Sanatana Dharma itself.  He will even explain the meanings of Sanatana Dharma and the modern day’s discoveries/science to those who are interested. He happily mentions, “Today’s social practices depict the true ‘Raama Rajya’ when I compare it with the society during my childhood. It gives me immense pleasure when I see today that people from all the caste and sects get value, preference, position, and respect.”

At the same time luckily, he got a job offer from Sanatna Dharma Trust related to Vishwa Hindu parishath and went to New Delhi. He used to go to Haridwar/Hrishikesh on every full moon day and have the holy bath at Maa Ganga .Also he visit and worship Shri Neelakanta Temple and Matha Parvathi cave to do the meditation. During his tenure at Delhi too, he responded/heard to lot of needy people who were in pain and gave solutions. In this period of his life in Delhi, he went to the  ‘Shri Kamakhya Temple’ at Guwahati in the state of Assam (previously called Pragjyothishpura) and learnt ‘Yogini Tantra’, ‘Kulaachaara Tantra’, pashupathya tantra, Shaivagama, Shakthi worship, and ‘Shri Vidya’ from the Tantri at the temple and through the Guru Upadesha/initiation. He use to visit Shri Kamakhya on every year BIHU festivals. Doing all the above sadhana, He raised above all human desires and achieved through tough efforts. He offered his own blood to ‘Shri Kamakhya Devi’ and sacrificed/dedicated himself. This motivated him to learn the ‘Ashtamaanishta Vidya’ and he started concentrating towards achieving that. Shri Kamakhya Temple and cave is the sacred place where Shri Navanatha’s practiced and worshiped Shakthi Worship.

Since he went around the country (parikrama of Bharath darshan) for 6-7 times and met more than 100 ‘Avadhutas’, ‘Siddhipurushas’ and stayed in their vicinities and did their seva, all of them shown their pure love for his devotion/sadhana in the path of self-realisation and blessed Shri Harish Madhyastha with all their knowledge also transferred their Tapasya Shakthi. Since this knowledge needs to be passed to the next generation and the world should benefit through this knowledge, The Avadhutas gave him this big responsibility of preserving the knowledge. From then, Shri Harish Madhyastha started giving certain ‘Mantropadesha’ to the eligible persons who approach him and shows them the path of achievement, as a Guru. As he always says “In our Sanathana Dharma Guru come in search of Shishya/seeker, when shishya/seeker  is ready and eligible”.

Shri Harish Madhyastha never ever show his knowledge or spiritual energy to anyone until if required. He always like to listen to the people as he always says “when we speak, we repeat what we know, when we listen, we learn something new…This he learnt from His Holiness Dalai Lama when he had a chance of taking blessing from His Holiness at Dharmashala in Himachala Pradesh. Shri Harish Madhyastha never speak about the Truth/reality/secret of people’s problems who meet him for his guidance because it may hurt people’s mind. He listen and only give solutions as much as possible. Many devotees love him for his sayingI CAME TO YOU WITHOUT ME, YOU COME TO ME WITHOUT YOU” “means leaving ego, this is the only way to know God”. At present, he works/serve silently as a fruit behind the leaf but he has enormous number of devotees emotionally connected with him. 

He is guiding some young generation in their path of achievement in social life/studies/peaceful life, so that they too can dedicate themselves for the betterment of this world, as the ‘Guru Chanakya’ motivated/helped ‘Chandraguptha’ to grow as a king, as the ‘Guru Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’ dedicated himself to help his disciple ‘Swami Vivekananda’ earn the spiritual essence of Sanathana Dharma for the betterment of the world. Shri Harish Madhyastha always talk about teachings of Shri Ramana Maharshi, Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Matha Akkamahadevi, Shri Adi Shankaracharya, Brahma Shri Narayana Guru, Shri Basaveshwara, Shri Vadiraja Swamiji, Shri Kanakadasa, Shri Jiddu Krishnamurthy Ji etc . He finds real path in their teachings and making his devotees to follow their teachings and path.

While going around the country, ‘Shri Yogi Harisha Madhyastha’ has met many people who are ‘Adivasis’,(tribal) and people from ‘Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes’ from all the states. He has spent good amount of time/lived  with them and learnt about their culture, rituals, folk songs and dances, their family tradition, about the herbs which are available in the dense forests and their uses, the specialities behind their ‘Prakruthi Puja’,(nature worship) their traditional stories, their festivals and practices and many information. As per Shri Harisha Madhyastha’s research, the ‘Adivasis’ Tribals are the origin/initial inhabitants of our country and also the world.  If Adivasis are neglected, not protected properly, the most ancient tradition and their amazing knowledge will not be available for our next generation. Even today many people are not aware of ancient traditions, in depth knowledge about the nature and creation followed/known by tribal people who live in forest. He has lived between the ‘Adivasis’ for a certain period and understood the importance they give to the ‘Prakruthi Aradhane’, (nature worship) and ‘Daivatvada Aradhane’.(Energy Worship) Since these vital facts are unknown to the rest of the world, he is coming out with a Magazine  by the name ‘Tribes of India.’ This is a first of its kind of magazine only dedicated to Tribal people and he is coming out with this through his disciples himself. Shri Harisha Madhyastha has met around 500 – 600 Adivasis (tribes) through his journeys and has earned the important knowledge which comes from the ancient residents of this earth successfully.

Providing education to children, providing help to poor and needy, other than that, explaining the true meaning of Sanatana Dharma, Importance of the temples and their culture, Sculpture, ‘Natya Shastra’, Music, India’s ancient scriptures, tribes, Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedas, Importance of the ‘Mantras’, importance of  The Bhagavad-Gita – He has strived hard to convey all these factors to the next generation. To explain the greatness of the Sanatana Dharma to the whole world, he started publishing an English magazine named the ‘Indian Temples-Discover. Temples of India’ in January 2014 on Shri Kaniyoor Mutt Paryaya Festival Day at Udupi. As on today, the Magazine has more than 5 lakh readers all around the world.

He struggled for 2-3 years since he did not get proper support.  He met many Saints, Spiritual Gurus, and Religious and Political leaders for the help. He went to the Tribal places, lived there for some time, and understood their culture. Due to his dedicated efforts, ‘The Indian Temples’ magazine is getting into the limelight slowly. He has started publishing the magazine ‘Tribes of India’ which is being managed by his disciples. 

He has dedicated himself in various rare practices like giving one to one discussions, Spiritual teachings,  ‘Mantra Upadesha’, ‘Deeksha’, teaching ‘Dhyana/meditation’, ‘Shri Vidya’, ‘Shri Yogini Tantra’, ‘Ishwariya  Kriya’, ‘Kundalini Jagruthi(awakening) Kriya’, Kriya to give peace to the human mind’, Process of enlightening thoughts about mind, body and soul, oneness with nature, True meaning of death, remove fear of death,   ‘Importance of the Bhagavad Gita and how it will help in our daily life and also he speak about Bhagavad Gita and management to present generation to preserve the knowledge to the next generation about it’, ‘Puraana’, ‘Ramaayana’, ‘philosophy behind  the stories of Mahabaratha/Ramayana/Purana etc  in the form of Tatva Darshana’, also Taking the pains within the people’s mind’, ‘Importance of the puja/worship  done in a simple manner’, ‘Getting rid of the evil forces’, etc….

Presently he stays physically and mentally away from all his blood relationships and he came to know who are the truly his people. With a strong belief in the Guru vaakya(word) of ‘Vasudaiva Kutumbam’, he considers the entire world as his family and says pure love and affection will only remain forever. He believes “The one and only person who is ours and will be with us throughout our journey in every life is none other than ‘Moola Guru’ and Guru who will show us the path to salvation.” And he awakened the Guru within himself and surrendered to him completely. 

He has earned the blessings of ‘Yogi Shri Putturu Ajja’, ‘Avadhuta Shri Venkatachala Guru’, ‘Shri SatUpaasi Appaji Dodderi , and other Gurus and stayed with them for a long period of time. At present he is dedicated his life to Paramahamsa Shri Srikanthananda Saraswathi Maharaj (Appaji).

Shri Harisha Madhyastha has been continuously spreading his tattva of ‘One Caste, One Religion- That’s Sanatana Dharma and Rastra Dharma.’ He says our country Bharatha can be strengthened only through this preaching. For this, he has made a ‘Sankalpa’ (initiative) to construct ‘Shri Guruvana’, ‘Shri Rishivana’, ‘Shri Gaayanavana’ at the banks of River Paapanashini in Udupi and do the ‘Pratisthapane’(installation) of Gurus from all caste  and offer puja(worship)to them under one roof. The foundation stone ceremony for this project was successfully laid in 4th December 2022 by Shri Shri Shri Paramahamsa Shrikanthananda Saraswathi Maharaj,and Swamijis from all castes, in front of  Religious and political leaders, and thousands of devotees. He has started this project as per the instructions of his Guru. His next big project is to build Shri Guruvana -temples for Guru’s from all the states of Bharath at Srinagar in the state of Kashmir in which he is planning to spread and save the Sanatana dharma in the Himalayan State.

He intends to spend his final days at Himalaya’s Badarinath, built a small Kuteera for himself near the ‘Shri Vyaasa Guha’, near Mana and Vasundara.

His teachings to one and all who approaches him is: “Oh Moola Guru, my every steps which I keep everyday will be yours steps,  My all the words I speak everyday will  be your words,  All my duties which I do every day will be your duty, I am nothing, I will always  offer all the respect, all the humiliation which I get to your lotus feet.  Oh, Moola Guru, I completely surrender myself to you.”

Shri Harish Madhyastha has been preaching these noble thoughts: “Awareness is the Guru, Worship the Nature, enough of outward sight, look within, you have the entire universe within you. Let your mind be like a child, attached to nothing-connected to everyone, Be with everyone but inside remain alone, Mind is nothing but a nest of thoughts, Be contended, Understand that you are nothing but a zero, There is the only one supreme power who decides everything in this world, Surrender to him, A true surrender to the Guru and Path of salvation through true devotion”. People are getting answers to their questions from him as well as solutions to their problems. Hence people are benefiting from this. When people call him Guru, he simply says, “Am not the Guru, the real Guru is the knowledge, the magnificent power, it is in the form of a flame inside you. Awake Guru within residing inside you. So, kindly do not call me as Guru. If you find some principles, Knowledge, and some relief in my words, may my words themselves be your Guru and show you the path.” He sadly says and always feel that nowadays most of the people are behind of dignity/identity, not behind of guru/god. Responsibility of material life never end till death, if we are eager to see/realisation of  guru/God, just we need to jump in the ocean of surrender/realisation. Right time will never come to meet/see/realise guru/god until we develop interest/eagerness to do .

He is accomplished to give suitable reply/solutions/answers to the questions of all the section of the people visit him every day but not for the curiosity minds. Even after knowing everything, he keep silent and shows that he don’t know anything. He leads a simple life today with the leading light of Spirituality and sowing the seed of Adhyathma/Spirituality amongst the people.

By Research Team: Dr. Joydeep Chakraborty,  Dr.  Roopa Iyer

Philosopher, Cine Producer and Actor, Shri Nagaraj Sharma, Bengaluru, Dr Choodamani Nandgopal, Research Felloow, Dr Ajay Shukla, Philosopher Srinagar, Smt Trushal Sunman, Yoga Guru , Newdelhi, Shri Sanjay Sinha Bengaluru, 

Hartley Thanksgiving for Content/information support to :

Shri. Raghavendra Upadhyaya, Uchila, Shri Avinash Poojary,Shri. Gangadhar Kanchan, Shri. Ramachandra Bhat,, Katapadi, Shri. Harish Rao, Katapadi, Shri. Dhumramani Bhat, Uchila, Shri. Venkata Joyisa, Uchila, Shri. Devi Prasad Bhat, Uchila, Shri Vadiraj Bhat Paniyoor,  Shri S K Uchila, Shri. Satish Poojary, Katapadi , Shri Vasudeva Acharya Udupi, Shri Gajendra Acharya Barkur, Shri Mohan Gatti, Ullala, Shri Shiva Reddy Srishailam, Shri Sridhar Hegade Honnavara, Shri Bhaskar Sarma, Shri Rajeeb sarma, Shri Viraj Sarma from Guwahati, Shri Manoj Sharma Gupth kashi, Shri Chandrashekar Bhat Kalimutt Gupthkashi, Shri Pavan Acharya Haridwar, Ms Sonal Nayak Mumbai, Ms.Mona Guptha Chandigarh, , Shri Anath Sharma, Shri Madhusoodan Bangera Mumbai, Shri Joydeep Mukherjea Kolkatha,   and many more Friends/ Relatives/Well-wishers from across the country.