Avadhutha Paramahamsa Shri Shri Srikanthananda Saraswathi Maharaj

H.H Sri Srikanthananda Saraswathi was born as Srikantha to parents Ambika and Dr. Ravindra in Mysore on 07/01/1992. A Mahapurusha like him had chosen their particular family due to the penance and devotion of his grandmother Mrs. Indiramma. She was a devotee of Appa, as H.H Sri Shankaralinga Bhagawan Saraswathi was addressed by his devotees. Her only wish was to perform pada pooja to the holy feet of ‘Appa.’ Appa, as Srikanth Guruji is also called, had chosen to be born into their family to fulfill her wish.

He was born with self-awareness and was constantly engrossed in the Brahman. On May 19th, 1998, he obtained the Sampoorna Anugraha of H.H Shankaralinga Bhagawan Saraswathi. He was renunciate and Bala-Guru and devotees flocked to him to have his darshan and seek his blessings.

He was ordained into Sanyasa by H.H Sri Virajananda Saraswathi Maharaj and was given the ascetic name Sri Srikanthananda Saraswathi as per the traditions and customs of the Dasanami Sampradaya. He represents the confluence – the Sangam – of all the three spiritual Guruparamparas in Karnataka – Chidambara, Dattatreya, and Ramadasa.

He is a staunch Advaitin and identifies himself with everyone, and he constantly reminds everyone that the seeker and the object are the same and are not different. Devotees who come into his presence are blessed with his darshan and experience a one-on-one connection with Appa. His darbar is open and makes no distinction based on caste, creed, wealth, status, age, or gender. His mission is to sow the seeds of Adhaytma and lead devotees on the spiritual path; he asks devotees to be in communion with the Guru constantly, do Namasmaran, and experience oneness.

He has established ashrams across Karnataka – Hosadurga, Bengaluru, Chitradurga, Ranebenneur, Holalkere, and Mysore. He is constantly on the move, yet stationary. Devotees visit him to be in his presence wherever he resides (at one of the ashrams or the house of one of the devotees).

Although the fire from the lamp is the same, the color appears different to different people. So is the case with Appa, and everyone experiences and comprehends him in their ways, and words are not sufficient as a medium to express or explain who he is. To summarise, Appa is Prajnanam Brahma.