About Us

“An Abode of Guru Paramparam “

A Unique Guruvana At The Bank Of River PapaNashini, Parashurama Srishti, UDUPI

To Guarantee Peaceful Ambience for the Spiritual guidance, Learning , Meditation , Research on Indian Traditions and culture and protect nature and glorify.

Shri Guruvana – An abode for the great Hindu ideologies and the greater minds behind them, decked up in the CROWN of our country – our own Kashmir. Thus, making this the best and the only habitat for Hindus residing in Kashmir and making to feel all the Hindus proud around the globe.

The effort is to streamline the whole system of beliefs and traditions and there’s no better place than
Kashmir –A heaven on Earth “A valley of Hindus, by the Hindus and for the Hindus.”

Let’s all March together towards Kashmir and PUT THE CROWN BACK TO IT’S RIGHTFUL PLACE!

Lord Dattatreya is an incarnation of Trimurti – Brahma , Vishnu & Shiva . Lord Dattatreya is also known as AdiGuru and always resembles in Avadhuta state, Lord Dattatreya had stated that his avataras will take place in Kaliyuga in 9 forms of incarnations called Datta Samparadaya. Shri Harish Madhyastha served his Guru and been with him for more than two and half years in his early age of 24 and blessed by his Guru Baba Nagendranatha Maharaj living in caves of Himalaya’s Shri Harish Madhyastha use to state in his preaching that an Avadhuta who is beyond consciousness & acts without consideration for standard social etiquettes . The speciality of an Avadhuta is that they remain, live like common people and it’s very hard to recognise them. Avadhuthas are well known as Sadgurus . Shri Harish Madhyastha explained the meaning of Avadhuta as follows –

Aa – One who cannot be destroyed .
Va – One who balances practical & spiritual life .
Dhu – One who is released from all kind of strings attached to the material world .
Ta – One who is beyond of four kinds of Ashramas – Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha and Sannyasa known as Panchama Ashrama .

In the teachings of Shri Harish Madhyastha , “a Guru means the one who is relieved from chains of desires, one who is released from consciousness of past deeds and only lives in present without interference of past and future, one who has a controlled heart, relinquished meditation and one who always rationalised on the real nature of soul & vanity”.

Shri Harish Madhyastha always gives priority to Sakthi & only believe in one kind of religion or caste that is seva . Shri Harish Madhyastha spent all his life in doing sapthahas of Sree Guru Charithra at Shri Kshethra Ganagapura, Shri Harish Madhyastha life was a open book devoted to Lord Dattatreya spreading the Datta Samparadaya in various ways – speachs, bhajans & sapthahas with the devotees.

Shri Harish Madhyastha was the person who lead a normal life with the society as a common man and made incredible teaching all his life. Shri Harish Madhyastha completely surrendered and dedicated his life in all aspects to Lord Dattatreya & pour his entire energy in the foundation of “Shri Guruvana Foundation.