Projects Two

“Let’s all March together towards Kashmir and put the crown back to it’s Rightful Place!!! Kashmir is core sacred place of Sanaathana Dharma every Indian should voice for Kashmir and stop the cultural heritage from being destroyed if it happens a chapter of India’s civilizational history will be erased. Ancient poet Kalidasa had quoted “the place is more beautiful than heaven and is the benefactor of supreme bliss and happiness. It seems to me that I am taking a bath in the lake of nectar here.” Kashmir “A valley of Hindus, by the Hindus and for the Hindus.” and it is a base of Sanathana Dharma from the ancient days”.

Unique of its Kind – Bringing Our Whole Nation Together in Order to Create a Fearless World of Harmony by Celebrating Our Countries Rich Culture and Heritage up there, Worshiping and Installing Statues of all the guru’s and Promoting their teachings, path they have shown Representing all the states irrespective of caste, will be major objective and bringing past glory of Kashmir to the world that we are one under Sanathana dharma.